Monday, February 29, 2016

Finding Jira SprintId for Rest API call

I woke up with a very simple wish of printing my stories rather than writing them. I imagine, it to be a very very simple task since I did something similar couple of years back.

I looked at the Jira Rest Agile API documentation and found a rest endpoint, which will make my life simple.{sprintId}/issue

Now, I wanted to find a sprintId and to my surprise, it took me longer than I excepted. So thought of making a note. 

I had to hop around little bit to finally get that number. Here is what I did?

1) Clicked on my Project and then clicked on Reports sub-menu. 

2) Choose "Sprint Report" from the drop down.

3) The current sprint is usually selected and the URL on the address bar, has the sprintId https://xxxxxx/yy&sprint=9999.

I believe, now I am all set to print my stories :D.


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